Why Invest in Gold Coins?

Gold has been the Only True Money since the beginning of time. Owning Bullion has historically been proven to almost certainly protect your family from any possible impending Currency Crash. The US went off the gold standard in 1933, taking the rest of the world with it around the same time. Decades later, many different countries started making Proof coins for collectors. For the most part, coin collectors are not interested in these modern coins. The ultimate in Proof coins are Gold Proof sets. 

to protect and increase your wealth

Buy Gold Coins

  • BULLION Costs a Little More than the Spot Price of Gold Because There are Production Costs for Refining Gold and Producing a Uniform Product. Bullion is Available in Numerous Forms.

  • NEAR BULLION are gold coins that are scarce and costs just slightly more than Ordinary Bullion. It is available in numerous forms, however we recommend just One Type of Near Bullion: Flagship Gold Coins (the Largest Gold Coins Ever Made)

Only 5 Countries Ever Made Flagship Gold Coins. Scarce Date Flagship Gold Coins in Mint Condition are Available at Near Bullion Prices.

25 Year chart Investment Grade Gold vs Bullion

Investment Grade Gold are Superb Condition Rare Coins made in Centuries gone past. Major Rarities have proven to out perform all asset classes including even bullion. An inital investment of $72,000 in rare gold coins returns $1,044,000 vs Bullion only $659,520.

Gold has long been viewed as a symbol of wealth and a hedge against economic uncertainties. Its enduring value and multifaceted benefits make it a compelling choice for investors seeking stability and growth.

Investment Grade Gold is the Winner

FLAGSHIP GOLD coins are classic coins of approximately one ounce that were the largest denomination of any country’s coins. Flagship coins have international demand, making them the highest in demand rare coins in the world. These classic era coins were actually made for conducting commerce as bank wires, and credit cards didn’t exist. Production stopped in all countries in 1933 due to the drastic action of President Roosevelt making it illegal for Americans to own gold. The rest of the world followed the US lead and while they didn’t ban ownership of gold, they stopped minting gold coins. Roosevelt’s very controversial action was ultimately rescinded in 1971 when President Nixon again allowed Americans to own gold.

RARE GOLD COINS have always been considered to be one of the premier collectibles of the world and a precious storehouse of wealth. However, there is something even more precious than rare gold coins. That is, Proof Rare Gold Coins. Proof coins are the ultimate in coins. These great works of art were specially made for royalty. They were never intended to be used in commerce. The special process of making Proof coins involves striking the planchet (an unfinished disk of the proper size) with higher than normal pressure by the die press, which produces a much more sharply detailed impression. Also, the planchet itself is highly polished so that when the process is complete, the Proof coin sparkles like a diamond reflecting light like a mirror.